10 Great People Who Lived in the 400s

10 Great People Who Lived in the 400s


The 400s, also known as the 5th century, was a period of significant historical and cultural developments. During this time, numerous remarkable individuals emerged, leaving a lasting impact on their societies and shaping the course of history. In this article, we will explore the lives of 10 great people who lived in the 400s and learn about their contributions to various fields.

1. Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430)

Saint Augustine of Hippo was a philosopher, theologian, and bishop in Roman North Africa. His influential works, such as "Confessions" and "City of God," shaped Christian theology and philosophy.

2. Attila the Hun (406-453)

Attila the Hun was the ruler of the Huns and one of the most feared military leaders of his time. He led invasions into the Roman Empire and left a significant impact on the geopolitics of the era.

3. Pope Leo I (400-461)

Pope Leo I, also known as Leo the Great, was the Pope from 440 until his death. He played a crucial role in consolidating the authority of the papacy and protecting Rome during turbulent times.

4. Empress Pulcheria (399-453)

Empress Pulcheria was a Byzantine empress who exercised significant influence during the reign of her brother, Emperor Theodosius II. She played a vital role in promoting Christianity and protecting the empire from external threats.

5. Hypatia of Alexandria (355-415)

Hypatia of Alexandria was a mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. She was one of the leading intellectuals of her time and made significant contributions to mathematics and astronomy.

6. King Arthur (Late 5th century)

King Arthur is a legendary figure associated with the Arthurian legends and the Knights of the Round Table. While his historicity is debated, his tales continue to captivate imaginations to this day.

7. Emperor Theodosius II (401-450)

Emperor Theodosius II was the Eastern Roman Emperor from 408 until his death. He played a pivotal role in shaping the legal and administrative systems of the Byzantine Empire.

8. Galla Placidia (388-450)

Galla Placidia was a Roman Empress and regent for her young son, Valentinian III. She played a vital role in stabilizing the Western Roman Empire during a tumultuous period.

9. Nestorius (386-450)

Nestorius was a theologian and patriarch of Constantinople. He is known for his controversial teachings regarding the nature of Christ, which led to the Nestorian Schism within Christianity.

10. Saint Patrick (387-461)

Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was a Christian missionary and bishop. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland and played a significant role in shaping its religious and cultural landscape.


The individuals who lived during the 400s left a lasting impact on their respective fields and the societies they were a part of. Their contributions in areas such as philosophy, theology, leadership, and culture continue to inspire and shape our world today. Through their achievements and influence, they have become enduring figures in history, reminding us of the profound impact that individuals can have on their communities and the wider world.

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